26 June 2010

Tonite: 26 June 2010 -
Cuba Canta con Emiliano Echeverria - KPFA FM

Radio Cuba Canta welcomes the summer with a potpurri of some of that great Cuban music “you can’t get enuf of!” We’ll begin with some music for the Orishas then to some Rumba and early Son. We’ll hear some Danzones from the near and distant past plus some 1950s Charanga sounds, and feature a tribute to the life and music of Francisco Aguabella.

The second hour we will discuss the current efforts to bring Cuban musicians to perform in the United States, include a mix of some 60s and 70s Cuban sounds, the Community Music Calendar from Ron Flores, and conclude with some great Timba and Cuban Hip-hop……..

Visit us at our new Facebook page: Radio Cuba Canta-KPFA-FM

Produced by Emiliano Echeverria
Engineer Clay 'C-Tone' Leander at the controls.
Community Calendar produced by Ron Flores

Live Broadcast: Saturday - June 26, 2010
9 pm PST - San Francisco Bay Area
12 midnight EST - NY/Miami/San Juan PR/ y la Habana, Cuba
KPFA 94.1 FM - in Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno

Audio Archive (available after live broadcast)

Radio Cuba Canta- Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta- Saturday, June 26, 2010

KPFA FM live on the web at:

more program info:

Radio Cuba Canta broadcasts monthly on KPFA-FM during Con Sabor, a weekly program featuring the best in Salsa, Latin Jazz and Afro-Caribbean music hosted by executive producer Luis Medina.

Listen to Recent Broadcasts:
the Radio Cuba Canta archives

LISTEN to previous broadcasts & specials of Radio Cuba Canta with Cuban music historian Emiliano Echeverria from his collection of rare and vintage Cuban music recordings:

Broadcast Tribute to Graciela Perez: 1915-2010
Listen NOW:   Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, April 24, 2010

90th Birthday Tribute to Benny Moré
Listen NOW:   Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mujeres de la musica cubana / Women of Cuban Music
Listen NOW:   Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tribute to Ricardo Abreu - aka Papin of Los Papines
Listen NOW:   Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tributo a Joe Cuba and 'Cachaito' Lopez
Listen NOW:   Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta - Saturday, February 28, 2009

Produced and hosted by Emiliano Echeverria
Associate producer & broadcast operator: Clay "C'Ton" Leander
Community Calendar produced by Ron Flores

Live Broadcast:
Last Saturday each month -
9 pm PST - San Francisco Bay Area
12 midnight EST - NY/Miami/San Juan PR/ y la Habana, Cuba
KPFA 94.1 FM - in Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno

KPFA FM live on the web at:

More program info:

Cuba Canta broadcasts monthly on KPFA-FM during Con Sabor, a weekly program featuring the best in Salsa, Latin Jazz and Afro-Caribbean music hosted by executive producer Luis Medina.

22 June 2010

Cronicas De La Raza
22 June 2010 - KPFA FM

Tonight's program features News Headlines from the Americas, reports from the US Social Forum, Guest, Francisco X Alarcon on the Facebook Poets' Protests against SB 1070, a walk through the Streets of Aztlan, fabulous music/historic commentary with Radio Cuba Canta and a calendar of upcoming events.

Produced by Nina Serrano, Vanessa Bohm, Mr. Chuch Longoria, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Julieta Kusnir, Clay "CTone" Leander and Emiliano Echeverria.

Author, poet and organizer Francisco X. Alarcon
speaks about Facebook Poets against AZ SB1070
(click to enlarge).

Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web: www.kpfa.org

Audio Archive (available after live broadcast)

Listen NOW:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
La Raza Chronicles- Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"SB diez setenta"
Painting by Chris Faltis
School of Education, University of California, Davis
24x 30 Oil on canvas (click to enlarge)

Hear previous broadcasts:

More info:

15 June 2010

Cronicas De La Raza
15 June 2010 - KPFA FM

Tonight's program features News headlines from the Americas and guests: artist Susana Aragon discusses her adventures in art and education, poet Jorge Argueta tells of the First Annual Children 's Poetry Festival in El Salvador, Meldy Hernandez shares her pioneering work blending drama and health education as she explores issues around childbirth and morality. Kim Shuck explains the Native American view of their artifacts and remains that are held in museums. We stroll through the Streets of Aztlan for music, poetry and a calendar of upcoming events. Listen and enjoy!

Produced by Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Mr. Chuch Longoria, Clay "CTone" Leander and Nina Serrano

Poet and children books author Jorge Argueta
organizing a children's poetry festival in El Salvador.
(click to enlarge). Photo by Chris Faltis

Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web: www.kpfa.org

Audio Archive (available after live broadcast)

Listen NOW:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mp3 Playback:
(iTunes/ WinAmp/ Windows Media)
La Raza Chronicles - June 15, 2010

Hear previous broadcasts:

More info:

08 June 2010

Medios Caminantes: AMC 2010 June 17-20 - Detroit, MI

June 17-20 - Detroit, Michigan

Medios Caminantes:
Medios creando, fronteras derrumbando

The AMC's first Spanish-language media track

Coordinators: Palabra Radio and Peoples Production House

REGISTRATION: http://AlliedMediaConference.org

Description (Spanish/English):

Medios Caminantes, es el primer espacio de habla hispana en la historia de la AMC, producto del esfuerzo colaborativo que se desarrolló en la reunión durante el AMC2009, facilitada por Palabra Radio y Peoples Production House.

Medios Caminantes, esta buscando apoyar y avanzar en la promoción de medios de comunicación basados en la organización de la comunidad inmigrante latina y del caribe radicados en los Estados Unidos. Enfocados en construir una red de medios comunitarios hispanos, este espacio promoverá el intercambio de recursos y modelos de organización entre los mismos participantes (Organizadores y creadores). Durante el AMC2010, Medios Caminantes nos enfocaremos en compartir e intercambiar las habilidades radiales en talleres practicos y talleres sobre como usar la radio como herramienta de organización; Medios Caminantes tambien tendrá un foro abierto para compartir los diferenetes modelos sobre como usar la creación de medios para empoderar a la comunidad inmigrante de habla hispana y generar ideas para la continuidad de este espacio.

- - -

Medios Caminantes, the AMC's first Spanish-language media track, was initiated during the Spanish-language caucus, hosted by Palabra Radio and People's Production House during AMC2009 .

Medios Caminantes will support and advance Spanish-language media-based organizing in Latin@ and Caribbean immigrant communities throughout the U.S. With a focus on building a Spanish-language community media network, this track will promote the exchange of resources and organizing models between Spanish-speaking media organizers. Medios Caminantes will focus on the sharing and exchange of radio communication skills with hands-on production trainings, workshops on how to use radio as an organizing tool, and a radio building workshop. Medios Caminantes will also have an open forum to discuss models for using media to empower the Spanish-speaking community and to generate ideas for next year's track.

01 June 2010

Cronicas De La Raza
01 June 2010 - KPFA FM

Tonight's program Mr. Chuch interviews Benjamin Bratt on his new film, "La MISSION". Also includes: News Headlines from the Americas, a report on hate crimes in Puerto Rico and visits from musician Rupa, and poet Avotcja.
Listen and enjoy!

Produced by Mr. Chuch Longoria, Emiliano Echeverria, Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Nina Serrano, Julieta Kusnir and Clay "C-Tone" Leander.

Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web: www.kpfa.org

Audio Archive (available after live broadcast)

Listen NOW:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mp3 Playback:
(iTunes/ WinAmp/ Windows Media)
La Raza Chronicles - June 1, 2010

Hear previous broadcasts:

More info: